JusticeText is a winner of Dream.org's $1M Justice Innovation Prize. Read more.

Video evidence is a powerful vehicle for justice

Thousands of hours of police interactions are captured on video every single day. We promote greater accountability in our legal system by helping attorneys analyze this voluminous data efficiently. 

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Transcribe hours of footage in a matter of minutes

Over 80% of criminal cases involve video evidence, but most attorneys struggle to find time to review this overwhelming data. This means that critical details in body-worn camera footage, interrogation videos, and jail calls are being overlooked. We generate automated transcripts that synthesize hours of footage and deliver 50% in time-savings to our users.

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Generate transcripts that automatically sync with video files

Our timestamped transcripts synchronize with media files so you can quickly jump to the most relevant sections of video.


Clip out key moments with a single click

Creating video exhibits for court has never been easier. Simply highlight relevant words in the transcript to generate a shareable video snippet.

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Keep a record of important events with annotations

Take timestamped notes right alongside your transcript to keep track of the most important sections for future reference.


Features our customers love πŸ’œ

Some of our fan-favorite features are specifically designed to expedite the pre-trial preparation process. Our video editing suite allows you to create clips on the fly, and the presentation mode allows for a smoother in-trial experience.

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Store, analyze, and share video all in one centralized platform

Our platform supports transcriptions in 80 languages. Export the transcript as a well-formatted Word document and download the video clips in MP4 format to share with colleagues and clients.

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Together we are stronger

We love to hear back from our users on how JusticeText has helped them.

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  • "JusticeText was absolutely critical to a HUGE case I’ve been working on. I got a massive audio dump of body camera footage less than a week before jury selection, like 30-40 hours of footage. There was no way co-counsel and I were going to get through it all. I ran everything through JusticeText and lo and behold, it revealed that the lead detective had destroyed evidence intentionally. The result is the longest brief I’ve ever filed alleging police misconduct."

  • "JusticeText really has changed the efficiency with which I can work, and that's incredible because time is a super valuable commodity. If I didn't have to go to court most days of the week and do jail visits, I could spend all my time watching body camera, but we just don't have that kind of time."

  • "Tools like JusticeText maximize your productivity and allow you to focus on what you’re actually good at, analytical thought, instead of just doing rote transcription.”

  • β€œJusticeText minimizes the time I need to spend going back through videos and transcripts. The software does a really good job of capturing the content of the videos. In fact, I’ll often grab quotes from the transcripts to put into motions that I’m preparing.”

  • "It allows us to do better work and more work for each of our clients because we don't have to focus so much on listening to videos and jail calls for hours at a time. We have a case with well over 100 jail calls, and using JusticeText has given us a way to decide which ones are important more quickly."


Our partner agencies

We partner with 100+ public defense agencies, nonprofit service providers, and private practice criminal defense firms across the country.

Ready to get started?

The JusticeText team is building our software in direct collaboration with attorneys in all parts of the criminal justice system, tailoring our product to our users' unique set of needs and challenges. 

If you are interested in learning more about our services, please reach out to [email protected] or schedule a demo. 

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